Transformed Skunk

By Evan James.

Attribute Modifiers

Fortune +1 , Charisma -1, Perception +3, Reflexes +2



Chi Cost: X
Shot Cost: 1

If an opponent can see you, make a Martial Arts check; if successful, subtract X shots from their current amount. X has a maximum equal to the number of schticks you purchase in this ability. You can also spend additional schticks to affect 1 extra target per schtick spent.


Chi Cost: 1
Shot Cost: 0

You can see and function in total darkness. Your penalty for making task checks when vision is required is reduced by 1 for each schtick bought in this ability. This lasts until the end of the sequence.


Chi Cost: 4
Shot Cost: 3

Make a bare-handed Martial Arts attack; opponent suffers normal Damage and a number of Impairment points equal to the amount of unspent Chi points you have left this sequence. Anyone standing near him also gains 1 point of Impairment until they move away or cover their nose sufficiently. In order to be rid of the smell, the opponent must meticulously wash his hair and clothes, or get new clothing all together. The opponent affected cannot be hit with this ability again until their Impairment from the previous attack is all gone. Other Transformed Skunks, including yourself, are immune to this effect.


Chi Cost: 2
Shot Cost: 3

Make a bare-handed Martial Arts attack; if successful, opponent suffers normal Damage and you gain +1 AV to hit that opponent again for the rest of the sequence. This effect is cumulative. By spending an additional schtick, this effect lasts until the end of the session. You can also spend additional schticks to grant this bonus to an ally. When you buy the schtick, specifically state which character gets the advantage. Allies only get the AV bonus until the end of the sequence.

Last modified: August 1st, 1997; please send comments to